WEISS LAW, LLC         
                                       Guardianship Lawyer - New Jersey

New Jersey Guardianship Lawyer also specializing in: Special Needs Trusts, Estate Planning, Will Disputes, Conservatorships, Corporate Services, and Mediation
609-303-0270                                                                     nina@guardianshiplawyernj.com
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Areas Served in New Jersey including but not limited to:  Mercer County, NJ | Essex County, NJ | Middlesex County, NJ | Somerset County, NJ | Bergen County, NJ | Burlington County, NJ | Camden County, NJ | Essex County, NJ | Gloucester, County, NJ | Hunterdon County, NJ | Monmouth County, NJ | Morris County, NJ | Ocean County, NJ | Passiac County, NJ | Union County,  NJ | Pennington, NJ | Princeton, NJ, | Hopewell, NJ | Lawrenceville, NJ | Trenton, NJ |Newark, NJ | Elizabeth, NJ | Edison, NJ | Woodbridge, NJ | Lakewood, NJ | Toms River, NJ | Hamilton, NJ |  Cherry Hill, NJ | Middletown, NJ | Old Bridge, NJ | East Orange, NJ | New Brunswick, NJ | Summit, NJ | Bridgewater, NJ | Somerset, NJ | South Brunswick, NJ | Hackensack, NJ | Mount Laurel, NJ | North Brunswick, NJ |  Marlboro, NJ | Hillsborough, NJ | Ewing, NJ | West Windsor, NJ

Copyright Weiss Law, LLC, Pennington, New Jersey,  All Rights Reserved

This website contains general information about Guardianship Law and related legal areas, and is not tailored to anyone's particular situation. You assume all risk of acting on information contained in this website. No attorney-client relationship exists unless Weiss Law executes with a client, a written engagement agreement.
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Getting the right help in the least restrictive way possible is what ensures our independence and dignity.  A conservatorship is an example of a less restrictive alternative to guardianship of the finances/property.  

A conservatorship involves the voluntary appointment of a court-sanctioned fiduciary who will assist an individual with their financial matters. However, assigning a conservatorship is not always simple because the person in question must have sufficient mental ability to consent to the appointment of a conservator. Nevertheless they are quite effective and offer the additional protection and oversight of the court, which some situations may need and which a Power of Attorney does not provide.  The conservator is accountable to the court for his or her actions. 

Conservatorship is a widely under utilized tool despite its effectiveness in the management of financial matters for those living with diminished capacity or physical limitation making them unable to independently manage their finanical affairs.  Nina Weiss has extensive experience in conservatorship matters throughout New Jersey and will be able to guide you through the process with competence and support.